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Browser to proxy encryption |
Encryption |
Normally, the proxy is accessed on the same computer as the browser.
But when the proxy is on a different computer to the browser you may want to encrypt it.
Browsers don't support encrypted connections to proxys so we need to do this with other methods. |
stunnel |
Download stunnel from www.stunnel.org
On the browser's computer run... stunnel -c -d 8443 -r proxyhostname.com:8443 Then setup the browser to use localhost:8443 as the proxy. Note: Change "proxyhostname" to whatever your proxy's host name/ip address is. On the proxy's computer... stunnel -p /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem -d 8443 -r ...and open up port 8443 in the proxy's firewall Note: You may have to change stunnel.pem to your own custom certifcate file. |
You can also setup a vpn from the proxy to the browser to encrypt the information. |
Unsupported |
SOCKS misc. Only TCP connects are supported so far. Seems to be enough to run most Instand Messaging programs. User authentication is not supported in socks. You can disable access to socks by adding a "block" rule with "url" "is" "socks://" |
Multiple IPs on one computer |
You can find some cheap VPSs here if you want extra IPs from other places in the world... lowendbox.com
By default the software can be accessed on all IPs available on the one computer. But if you want to use the different IPs as outgoing IPs(the IP that people see you as), you need to run mutliple copies of this software. To run multiple copies on one computer, copy the anon_proxy_server folder in htdocs and rename it. Then access it like http://localhost:8081/xxxx Where xxxx is the new folder name. Then set a different "Proxy port" in each of the new folders. Then start the proxy with the command line(see below) instead of the normal start/stop button.
Linux |
Taken from... http://blog.sebastien.raveau.name/2009/04/per-process-routing.html
If was your gateway and was the IP address you want to use...
Create a "aps2" user
Windows |
Use ForceBindIP, and start pserver from cmd.exe with "ForceBindIP -i ./pserver.exe -run 8082"
To install from tar file... |
Requirements: PHP, a web server The packages have precompiled linux/windows binaries, if you have anything other than linux or windows you'll have to compile the C program.
Unzip into your web server's folder and then visit... http://localhost/anon_proxy_server/index.php (or whereever you've unzipped it) Then follow the instructions until you get a "tick" on all the required options and then click "save". It's a good idea to clear your browser's cache before using or else the server's cache won't ever get a copy of what you're browsing. tell me if you have problems installing/running it, or just have general comments. |
Setup your own home proxy |
By changing the home proxy you can create your own group of proxys,
you can gather a group of people you trust and only use their proxys.
So the web site won't know which location you're coming from.
This feature has some problems that can be temporarily fixed by reloading web pages that fail or restarting the server. |
Setup a home proxy... |
On the non-home proxys:
Put the url of the home proxy's installation into the "home proxy" box. The url is the same as the "url of this configuration" on the home proxy, except "localhost" should be changed to your public host name(you may need dyndns or something similiar).
On the home proxy:
If you're using the windows binary version you'll need to edit the httpd.conf and remove the the "Listen" line and add "Listen 80", "Listen 443". You'll need at least 2 proxies pointed to the same home proxy url for anything to happen. The home proxy doesn't have to be started for other proxys to use it as their home, they just need to be able to access the anon.php file.
Anonymous Proxy |
What it does... |
It protects you from being tracked by the web server at the other side,
you probably should clear your cookies and
change your browser's config to not accept cookies
before you start using it, as some sites maybe able to match up your
previous ip address with a cookie.
The "proxy to proxy" communications is encrypted via SSL but it is unencrypted from "proxy to web server" and "browser to proxy" So the best protection from people listening inbetween you and the server is by using https:
How to use... |
If you tick "anonymous proxy" in the configuration section, you'll enable
the anonymous P2P proxy.
This will allow other people to use your proxy for web browsing, and you can use other peoples' proxys for your browsing. The result is that the web server won't know where you're coming from, but the browsing will be slower.
How it works... |
When you tick "anon proxy" mode, the proxy will
register itself into the home proxy(which is a url to any other anonproxyserver installation).
The home proxy will then check whether your proxy can be reached (if you have a firewall, you have to setup your firewall to forward port 8082 to the computer that's running your proxy). If everything went ok, your proxy server will receive a list of proxys it can use, and the keys to use them. You can check if the registration went ok by clicking on info -> general. If you only want to send certain urls via the anonymous proxy network, you can set this up in the access section by selecting "Anon" as the action. The proxy will then register itself again check every few minutes with a new key so that only people who let you use their proxy server can use your proxy server and vice versa.
Comparison... |
The pros/cons of p2p proxy over tor, jap, paid services(anonimizer.com, etc.)... Pros... ![]() ![]()
Cons... |
Access rules | ||||||||||||||||||||
Samples... | ||||||||||||||||||||
The samples here are usually of "url" type, you can also restrict things by time, day, ip address, port. Note that "no proxy" + "other proxy" are implemented on the browser instead of the server and somethings will not work, like port, label, user auth. |
Compiling |
The installation comes with windows + linux(uclibc) pre-compiled, but
if you have any other OS or have a better compiler, here's how to do it...
Windows |
To compile in Visual Studio, use the project files in pserver_w32
To compile in MSYS, you'll need to compile and install... |
Linux |
make pserver
When you start the server, it looks for a "pserver" executable first if it is not found, "pserver.uclibc" will be used. |
Linux with uclibc |
A static linked uclibc version is distributed
because in the past I've found that it is
compatible across most kernel/glibc/libc versions,
it's the closest thing linux has to windows style
binary compatibility.
Plus it is small. You'll need to compile openssl using uclibc and install it into a separate directory, here's how... * tar -xzf openssl-.... * mkdir /usr/i386-uclibc-linux/local * edit config and change "CC=gcc" to "CC=i386-uclibc-linux-gcc" * ./config --prefix=/usr/i386-uclibc-linux/local no-dso * edit the Makefile and change "gcc" to "i386-uclibc-linux-gcc" (in Ubuntu 6 I also had to add "-fno-stack-protector" to CFLAGS or else it'll complain about not linking some stack related thing. * make install * Go back to the anonproxyserver folder and run "make pserver.uclibc" Edit the first few lines of src/Makefile to change the settings to the directories on your computer. |
Debugging |
To compile and run the debug version...
make pserver.debug (or make pserver.debug.exe in windows) touch cache/startWanted.txt ./pserver.debug You can adjust the debug level by running "pserver -debug ??" Where ?? is... 5 only major stuff. 10 medium level of details. 20 lots of details. 25 Almost Everything. To run valgrind with openssl it needs to be rebuilt with -DPURIFY or else it'll print alot of errors. The openssl directory can be changed in src/Makefile. |
Adding to Startup |
Linux |
Add to /etc/rc.d/ rc.local or boot.local or whatever...
cd /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/anon_proxy_server; su -c ./pserver.uclibc apache Change "apache" to whatever user your web server is in, change "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/anon_proxy_server" to where ever you've unzipped the installation to.
User Auth examples |
User authentication can be added by selecting "User auth" in the access
User auth is set to "is not" and "block" by default, it won't work with any other setting. The external authentication program is checked every 5 mins if the user is still using the proxy.
You can put in any program, if the program returns 0 the authentication
is considered ok, anything else it'll fail.
In windows... |
You'll need the web server's user(system) to have permission to use "LogonUser" for these to work...
Where XXX is the computer. |
Via samba... |
Via another windows or samba machine... /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //XXXX/YYYY -U '%s' '%s' -c quit XXXX is the computer with windows or samba. YYYY is the share folder.
Via winbindd(must be running on the computer with the proxy server)...
Via plain text file... |
grep -F '%s %s' /etc/plain_passwords Password format would be... username password joeblow joeblowspassword |
Via apache's htpasswd... |
cat /etc/apache2/htpasswd | perl -ne '{ if(m#%s:((..).*$)# && crypt("%s",$2) eq $1) { print "ok"; } }' | grep . Use the normal apache htpasswd commands to add/remove users. Add: htpasswd /etc/apache2/htpasswd username Remove: htpasswd -D /etc/apache2/htpasswd username |
Via mysql... |
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u xxx '--password=yyy' phpbb -e "select username from phpbb_users where username = '%s' and user_password = MD5('%s')" | grep . xxx/yyy is the mysql user login/password And change "phpbb" and "phpbb_users" the sql statement if you're using anything other than phpbb. |
Misc... | ||||||||||||
A diagnoses link will show up when you can't access a web page, it works best with tcptraceroute installed.
It will use normal traceroute if no tcptraceoute is found, but the trace won't go through firewalls. | ||||||||||||
Default Ports... | ||||||||||||
To use awstats, you need to apply this patch
and change these 2 lines in the awstats.???.conf file...
LogFormat = "%time4 %extra1 %host %extra4 %bytesd %extra2 %code %method %extra3 %url" LogSeparator="\t"and point the "LogFile" line to the htdocs/anon_proxy_server/cache/access.log file in the installation dir.
Download logs |
Visit the SVN here and click "download" to get the log.php file to save over the existing one(in the htdocs/anon_proxy_server folder), so you can enable the "download" links in the "usage log" section.
This will be released in the next version.